Friday, January 17, 2014

Be Still My Chaotic Heart

Yours truly survived the heart ablation last Monday with nary a hitch. The hardest part was facing the fear of the unknown, and then afterwards spread prone for six hours in the surgical center, but I was home by eventide and getting stronger daily. The electro physiologist says it will be July before he can bring my heart rate down to 70; its used to looping from 50 to 200 and doing cartwheels when it should have been doing yoga. The ablation procedure involves threading a probe through the groin to the heart and then killing off those parts of the malfunctioning electrical system. This can be done in various ways. I think in my case it was done with radio frequency waves which cause scarring. Gratitude abounds, to both old friends in the Bay area and new friends in Oakmont and to my precious niece, Cheari, who flew down from Seattle for six days to hold my hand on this journey. It was with sad heart I said good bye this morning at the quaint Santa Rosa Charles M Schultz airport. a place where Lucy, Charlie Brown and Peanuts hold friendly court.

Since Lucy was out, Cheari and I offered our two cents worth, but got no takers. But while we were waiting a volunteer came by with a cute little therapy dog. Hurrah for volunteers everywhere, including handlers of therapy dogs.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Looking good, Bonnie. Glad all went well…

Love, Sheila