Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jumping with Joy June

Late with my blog this week because my almost 97 year old cousin is visiting.  More on that next week.  Yesterday two trusted Guatemalans razed an eyesore for me and I am ecstatic.  My hot tub has been broken for years and I've fretted at how to remove it. At times wood rats made their nest in it. Santos said "I can do it" and sure enough, he and a helper accomplished the challenge. Visiting cousin Ed began by taking apart the sides. Then the workers started, first sawing the thick plastic with an electric saw and then dismantling the whole edifice to earlier soothing soaking days.
Within an hour they were loading and tethering it to Santos' truck while I held my hands in a prayerful position hoping it would balance while they scurried to the Davis St Dump.
Yes, they made it ($87.00 for two cubic yards) and were back in time for a 12:30 lunch.
Kodi has been puzzled and sniffing around but I am toasting my good fortune with pomegranate juice while trying to figure out what plants or figurines I might put there.
My gratitude overflows, but maybe not as much as Santos' truck.  After lunch they raked and weed-eated the whole perimeter of the cyclone fence for fire safety and the coming annual inspection.  Gracias, good men.

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