Well, last Tuesday I ventured to UCSF by private limo (which was a hoot) to see a Dr. who is a specialist in my rare lung cancer mutation. The bottom line is he spoke strongly against my having the robot radiation. He was convinced that the area at the bottom of my left lung which other doctors thought was fluid or infection, was indeed metasticis from the tumor at the top of the lung. You can see that I don't even know how to spell metasicis, let alone understand it. He ruled out any kind of radiation, chemo, or surgery. As hard as that was to hear, Catherine and I felt for the first time we were talking with someone whose knowledge was trustworthy. So that was a warm relief. I came home and cancelled the extensive plans for radiation and staying at the Mikado. A ct scan up here on Thursday seems to validate everything the UCSF doctor said. So the only possible treatment seems to be a drug which is not yet approved by the FDA and costs $11,000 a month. Moreover it is a drug which can only be taken for a year, as it harms the liver. At 86 I am not stressed about my diagnosis, but I do hope that I will soon get a handle on pain management. Right now it is a challenge. Most pain drugs make me loopy, and I am loopy enough without adding to my agenda.
On a lighter note, my asian pear tree is producing vigorously, and I can't give them away fast enough.

Around Sonoma county all of the grapes seems to be harvested and the tourists are pouring in to taste the latest.
Loved the blog this week, and so glad your gardner finally did his job so you can enjoy a 2nd bloom.
As cool as it has been so far the last couple of weeks, the extra moisture in the air may help. Great luck with the therapy. Happy thoughts and heating thoughts to you!
Hi Bonnie - Glad to hear that some resolution has come about on your treatment. I'm keeping positive thoughts that all will be well for you.
I'm doing better today after my ordeal. Much of the shaking and jitteriness has calmed down and I'm able to focus better. Never dreamed I would ever experience something like this.
Remember that I'm rooting for you, Bonnie. Call if you want. Love your sketch.
Love you, Sheila
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