Last Thursday afternoon I had an hour an a half massage which was so intense I came home and forgot to watch the Bernie\Hillary debate leaving me speechless at Current Events the next day, so I talked instead about the N. Carolina trans/bathroom discrimination issue. Men's bathrooms which have no waiting line but are always so filthy on the few occasions I have resorted to using one I am sorry. I guess unisex bathrooms are the answer, but there would surely be a long line of them to accomodate us all.

When friend Beth from Alameda came up to paint last Sunday we were invited to another artist's garden to view her iris. Beth's eyes got so big! There must have been a hundred in bloom. I don't think Beth had ever seen my iris garden in bloom in Oakland. Just as large, but spread out over an acre. The kind men who bought the property gave me a few of my own bulbs, having no idea which colors they were. Last year only two came out, but this year it looks like I'll have half a dozen. A couple of them are posted here. It soothes me to see them.
1 comment:
I thought of you last Saturday as I arrived at the Horton Iris Farm and looked at the vast number of gorgeous iris in bloom. MaryAnn is having a great year, the rains have brought out so many blooms and the sun is bringing out so many people, it is all great. Last year was a very bad year for all plant sales in California so glad to see the buyers are back. The Loomis Art Loop artists had our preview show there and it was a perfectly sunny day and a perfectly fabulous time. Sandy
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