How fortunate am I to live in a community where learning is built in. Last Sunday's Morning Symposium was a lecture on the Seven Wonders of the World. The scholarly video presentation informed me that there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of lists of the seven wonders. The first list was all man-made edifices in the area of Turkey. Of them, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are the only one to have no actual witnesses, although there is evidence they once existed. Today even the Chinese have developed lists, only their's has 20 wonders, most in China of course.
I wonder what your own list would contain?
I keep trying to make my own list, but always get down to things in nature. Memories, mostly, and not listed in priority order. Among them, a tidepool on Samish island, the night sky over the Grand Canyon, the glow of copper in a black pit in Arizona, a dewdrop in my Oakland garden., the clouds in gathering thunder storm in New Mexico.

Spurred by our wonderful spring rains this year, the California poppies continue to go mad. Acres and acres of them almost burn the retinas. Around every corner is a new display. I have never seen such a proliferation. Its a new wonder to add to my list. I tried to paint last week's blog photo but I could not do it justice. Maybe I'll try again, but not this week.
Next weekend is Open Studios here, and along with 25 other artists I will be showing my watercolors in my home. Its a great time to meet and greet other Santa Rosans.